BoxPlaza is a unique shopping complex located in the bustling Iwo Road shopping district. From the start, our goal was to provide a comfortable and reliable shopping experience for both our tenants and customers. One of the biggest challenges we faced was the issue of power irregularities that plagued the area. Frequent power outages and voltage fluctuations caused inconvenience for our tenants and affected their ability to conduct business.

To address this challenge, we decided to invest in a sustainable and reliable power source: solar energy. We started by selecting a roofing system that was designed for easy mounting of solar panels. During the construction phase, we installed 18 KVA of solar panels to power the building.

To ensure the success of our solar installation, we worked with engineers to design a system that could accommodate equipment with high inrush current, such as water pumps, air conditioners, and freezers. We also built two tiers of power into the rent, providing 700W for shops and 1 KVA for air-conditioned offices. Each shop is fitted with 2 LED light fixtures consuming 14 watts and a fan consuming 35 watts, totaling 49 watts out of the 700 watts provided. For offices, tenants have the option to install a window air conditioner (5000BTU) consuming 450 watts, leaving ample power remaining from the 1,000 watts available.

To guarantee that there is no inconvenience from others overusing their quota of electricity, each shop is equipped with an individual circuit breaker. This feature allows us to provide each tenant with a predictable cost of power while also reducing energy waste. The benefits of our solar installation are significant. Our investment in solar energy has reduced interruptions in operations caused by unreliable power. The steady supply of power also extends the lifespan of equipment and electronics, reducing costs in the long run.

At BoxPlaza, we are proud to be leaders in sustainability practices. By investing in solar energy, we are not only reducing our environmental impact but also providing a more comfortable and reliable shopping experience for our tenants and customers.